Nomination Period
2022 is an election year for the Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust. These occur every 5 years.
As part of the Election Process, the Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust are calling for nominations for 6 Trustee Positions.
The 6 Trustee Positions are made up of:
- 4 Taiwhenua Trustees
- Maataapuna Taiwhenua
- Hikuwai Taiwhenua
- Te Tai Tonga Taiwhenua
- Tai Hauāuru Taiwhenua
- 2 Tūwharetoa Whānui Trustees
Taiwhenua Nominees
All Taiwhenua Nominees must:
- Be a registered member of the Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust
- Submit a Nomination Form to no later than the Nomination closing date/time signed by
(1) the nominee and
(2) two other adult registered Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust beneficiaries - Show evidence of formal approval at a Hui-a-Hapū by providing copies of
(1) the Hui-a-Hapū advertisement from local paper/s at least 10 days prior to the Hui-a-Hapū showing the date, time, venue and purpose of the hui,
(2) the Minutes of the Hui-a-Hapū and
(3) the Attendance Register.
You can download the following documents to assist with Hui-a-Hapū by clicking the links below:
Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust will also contribute a $500 koha towards the cost of advertising and running the Hui-a-Hapū. To receive the Hui-a-Hapū koha please contact Melanie on 0800 TŪWHARETOA or via email at
Tūwharetoa Whānui Nominees
All Tūwharetoa Whānui Nominees must:
- Be a registered member of the Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust
- Submit a Nomination Form to no later than the Nomination closing date/time signed by
(1) the nominee and
(2) two other adult registered Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust beneficiaries.
Nominations open 2nd September 2022 and close 27th September 2022.
You can download a copy of the following documents by clicking the link/s below:
Online and postal voting opens 28 October 2022 and closes 1 December 2022 at 12 noon. Ballot voting will be available at the Annual General Meeting on the 3 December 2022.
Returning officer
The contact details for the Returning Officer are: Ltd – Anthony Morton
Phone 0800 666 047
Further information
For further information please contact us on 0800 TŪWHARETOA or email at