We strongly encourage all those who whakapapa to Ngāti Tūwharetoa to register as beneficiaries of Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust.

It’s important that you are registered, so that we can keep you up to date on what’s happening with Tūwharetoa whānau, hapū and marae, and ensure you know about the opportunities available to you through Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust.

It’s easy to register. Just fill out our online registration form by clicking the ‘Register’ button below, and if you need any help, call us on 0800 TUWHARETOA (889 427).

You can access the registration form by clicking the ‘Register’ button below.

Or, download the form here and send it back to us in any of the following ways:

Email: info@tst.maori.nz
Post: PO Box 1845, Taupō, 3351
Drop it off in person at our office: 81 Horomatangi Street, Taupō
You can also pick up a form at our office.

Already registered? Need to update your details?
You can do so in any of the following ways:

Download our form here or pick one up at our office. You can send it back to us in any of the following ways:
Email: info@tst.maori.nz
Post: PO Box 1845, Taupō 3351
Drop off: 81 Horomatangi Street, Taupō
Send us a message via our Facebook page
Call us on 0800 TUWHARETOA (889 427).