When: Saturday 7 December 2019

Wairakei Bayview Resort
640 State Highway 1

9:30am Registrations Open
10:00am Tūwharetoa Maori Trust Board (TMTB)
12:00pm Lunch
1:30pm Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust (TST)

The Annual Report and Financial Statements will be available as follows:
TST: 29 November 2019
TMTB: 29 November 2019

Hard copies of both Annual Reports and Financial Statements will also be made available at the hui.

Apologies can be registered by phone or email: 0800 889 427
TMTB: info@tuwharetoa.co.nz
TST: info@tst.maori.nz

Download the AGM notice here