1. What is the criteria for this Home Ownership Pathways Programme?

A. To be eligible to register you must be a registered member with Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust.


2. Can those wanting to purchase homes on Papakāinga apply?

A. Yes, on the basis that individuals are registered with Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust.


3. Do we provide funding for a deposit?

A. Neither He Iwi Kāinga nor the Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust provide funding for a deposit towards Home ownership. Our team will provide advice and advocacy on the requirements for home ownership and work with whānau to explore other options of building a deposit.


4. Is this available to members living outside of Taupō and Tūrangi.

A. Yes, on a case-by-case basis we can look to engage with whānau outside our immediate rohe. In the first instance one of our Kaiarahi will make contact and discuss your needs.  Our Kaiarahi are based in Taupō so this will happen remotely, via email, phone call or Zoom meeting. Where possible we will also promote the services of other kaupapa Māori providers in your area who offer the same services and can work more closely with you on your journey.