- He Iwi Kāinga will provide you with a free Whare Ora Assessment and report.
- After receiving your report, you will receive a list of options available to you. If you feel you can meet Te Puni Kōkiri’s criteria, we can help to complete an application form and collect the supporting documents.
- Your application is submitted to Te Puni Kōkiri for funding.
- If successful, you will receive a contract acknowledging this, detailing your obligations, He Iwi Kāinga’s role, and how the repairs will progress forward.
- Our Project Manager will contact you to agree on the actions that will be completed. Funding only allows for any actions identified as either critical or important. You will also need to sign to agree for the work to begin.
- Our Project Manager will oversee and coordinate the contractors and provide you with dates and times of when the work will take place.
- Our Project Manager will check in with you throughout the repairs process to check on the Health and Safety of the site, the impact to your whānau (if any), and to collect progress photos of before, during, and after. These will be used for our Funder Reports and future funding applications.
- After the repairs are completed, you will be provided with both a digital feedback form to complete anonymously, as well as a visit from one of our He Iwi Kāinga Team to check the work completed and have you sign to acknowledge you are happy with the work that has been completed.
Our Whare Pai programme follows on from Whare Ora and looks to support you in completing the critical and important issues identified in your Whare Ora Report. He Iwi Kāinga have proudly partnered with Te Puni Kōkiri and together we are focused on bringing about positive change by repairing homes to restore their mana, concentrating on what matters most: whānau comfort, safety, and well-being.
Whare Pai is fully funded by Te Puni Kōkiri.
He Iwi Kāinga assist with coordinating contractors, ensuring accountability, managing home repairs in Taupō and Tūrangi areas. Our aim is to make sure whānau have warm, dry, and secure homes.

We use our Whare Ora assessments to help us understand what repairs or improvements are needed most urgently.
These assessments cover everything about your home and can include small fixes, big repairs, or ongoing maintenance tasks. They’re an important tool for us to prioritise and plan effectively.
What is the process involved?
Who is eligible for this service?
What is not covered in the repairs?
Who is involved?
What are critical and important repairs?
What is the purpose of Whare Pai Repairs
What is included in the repairs?