Yesterday, 200 meat packs were delivered to 34 Tūwharetoa marae to support our kaumātua and whānau in this second week of Alert Level 4.
Each marae received around 4-5 boxes of kai each valued around $200-250 and contained rolled lamb shoulder, free range chickens, steaks, chicken pieces, pork sausages, beef sausages, mince as well as eggs, milk, butter and cheese.
This is a joint initiative by Tūwharetoa Maori Trust Board, Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust and Ngāti Tūwharetoa Fisheries Charitable Trust and was coordinated from centres at Nukuhau, Hīrangi and Kauriki Marae. Whanāu, we want you to remember we are here to support you during this time.
Ngā mihi to Benoir Midwood-Murray who delivered the boxes from Nukuhau to the marae around Taupō, and Danny who arranged the delivery of boxes to the marae in Kawerau.
From Hīrangi, Gerard te Heuheu delivered the boxes to the marae around Tūrangi and Doug Wall delivered to Moāwhango and Ōpaea at Taihape on his way to Te Tikanga. From Kauriki, the marae arranged distribution amongst themselves.
Ngā mihi maioha